Dex Agent Training Academy
Dedicated NILICO Training Interface
Train Beyond The Rest
Targeted Lessons
Interactive lessons covering the skills all agents need to excel in the dynamic world of Insurance Sales. Content is industry specific and designed for users to practice sections by section.
On-Demand Content
Content available 24/7 On-Demand to help agents through efficient and consistent training. Agents can now develop their skills and boost knowledge at any time.
Course Analytics
Assessment tracking and course progress monitors analyze and assess agent progression through courses with automated feedback testing. Monitoring learning outcomes made easy
Our Most Popular Courses
Professional Development Courses for all incoming agents
NILICO 101 Bridging The Gap (New Agent Orientation)
Introduction to National Income Life Insurance Company. A quick overview of the company, its history, target market and values. Why the company stands as the best provider of whole life insurance in the market sector.
Basic Phone Training
Develop the primary and most important skill you need to succeed in this business. Develop your skills in phone setting the core skills need to dominate the field.
Access the Platform from Any Device at Any Time
Making the transition for your previous position to NILICO industry and market specific training help you navigate the closing, referral gathering, phone appointment setting while working in the virtual environment.
The DEX is easily accessible from phones, tablets, and desktop computers…so no matter where you are, we are there with you at your fingertips. Designed with your convenience in mind, you’ll always have quick, mobile-friendly access to all courses.
Access our active produces and training leads to help you grow. Available One-on-One coaching to navigate the challenges of this new economy.